Sunday, October 13, 2013

A self-referential query: Comments, anyone?

I've been writing this blog for about 4 years now. I loosely keep track of visitors to this blog and which pages are popular.

These three are the big hits:

How to sell a cello

What not to wear for the cello lady

There has been a fairly steady stream of visitors but very few comments over these years, and I've been wondering what does or does not move you to comment on a blog. So a question for visitors: What brought you here? Did you find it interesting or useful? Will you return? What were you looking for when you found me?

Other bloggers run giveaways or contests to get people to comment, but unfortunately I have nothing to offer along those lines. But I promise to read all comments.

And whether you comment or not, thanks for reading.

Thanks for your input.


Bill said...

I discovered your blog a couple of years ago via Pianoworld. I saw the link to your blog in the footer of one of your messages. Yours is one of my go to blogs when I'm in the mood for reading blogs. It is safe to say that I've read all of your blog entries. Sometimes I don't check in for weeks but then read them all to catch up.

I have left very few comments over the years mainly because I really don't have anything useful or interesting to say about the topics you write about. I love playing the piano and play every chance I get. I also like reading about piano related subjects.

I don't play classical music or listen to it much but I do enjoy reading your blog.

Ernie said...

Hi Harriet,

I've been reading your blog for a few years now, stumbling upon it when trying to find info on WTC. I was very interested in your quest, as I've been attempting something similar, though only book 1. Though you're not always talking about Bach, or even piano, I find it refreshing to read of other people's experiences when it comes to adult learning and music in general, particularly as I don't have an extensive music network where I live.

Yes, I do find your blog interesting, and of course I'll return!


Harriet said...

Thanks for commenting.

I'm hoping to get back to writing more about Bach and piano (and of course I'm still practicing), and I do plan to continue with the WTC, but the Schumann cello concerto is consuming me right now. I want to play it the best I can. Reading about that is probably only slightly more interesting than watching paint dry, but what can I say? :)